Dant Advocacy has the experience and know-how to promote and protect your interests at the Indiana Statehouse. Our professional yet personal touch enables your voice to be heard.

Dant Advocacy provides lobbying and government relations services during the legislative session so that our clients get a fair shake from government. We create and foster relationships between you and your elected representatives.
We handle legislative matters from start to finish: we draft bills and amendments; we carefully analyze and continually monitor the status of legislation; we strategize and build coalitions with like-minded parties; we work with lawmakers to hone bills; we testify on your behalf; and we work aggressively to pass or defeat legislation on subjects such as alcohol, budget and fiscal matters, casino gaming, economic development, energy and utilities, environment and natural resources,
financial institutions, general business issues, government procurement, information technology, insurance, local government, manufacturing, motor vehicles, state regulation, taxation, technology, and transportation.
Our work does not end when the General Assembly adjourns sine die. We monitor interim study committees and legislative committees in the off-season. When executive branch policy is the issue, we work with statewide elected officials, their staff members, and state agencies to promote and protect your interests.
Multi-state monitoring: We develop multi-state legislative and executive branch monitoring programs, allowing you to stay on top of issues and trends that could affect your business.
Campaign finance and lobbying law compliance: We help you understand and comply with campaign finance laws, including corporate and PAC contribution laws and strategies. We also advise you on how to comply with legislative and executive branch lobbying registration requirements.

Businesses are subject to regulations and government oversight that may be confusing and burdensome. Dant Advocacy represents our clients in state administrative and regulatory proceedings, including public hearings.
We monitor the drafting and promulgation of new state rules, keep tabs on new policy initiatives, identify opportunities for our clients, and educate policymakers about your interests, needs, and concerns.

State and local governments often look to private-sector vendors to provide products or services. We’ll help you understand the process, to get your foot in the door and to develop strategies to enhance your chances of being selected as a government vendor.